Three-Wheel Skate Advantages
What’s the deal with all of the three-wheel skates and which ones should I get?
Bigger Wheels
The idea behind three-wheels is to give more skaters the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of big wheel skating. Big wheels are faster, maintain roll longer and get over cracks and bumps easier for a smooth ride. The downside is that they require more skill and energy to get up and down from speeds.
Generally speaking, big wheels on shorter frames maintain higher levels of maneuverability. This seemingly simple change has opened up big wheel skating to pretty much anyone that wants the benefits (speed, roll and a smoother ride). Three wheeled skates are the go-to choice for urban and freestyle skaters that have the endurance to skate in the proper stance with their knees bent. They also make a great addition to cross-training routines or long outdoor skating sessions.
With four wheeled skates you have two middle wheels that work against each other when you try to steer. With three wheels, you have one center wheel that can act as a pivot point, so turning around the corner will be easier. Think of it like spinning a coin! It becomes easier to turn, maneuver tight corners and makes it easier to find your outside and inside edges to perform the double push technique.

Height comparisons between three and four wheeled skates.

Three wheeled skates are lighter because of decreased hardware.
Even with bigger wheels, three-wheeled skates are often lighter. The frames are shorter, and you drop the weight of one wheel, one spacer, one axle, two bearings (and a partridge in a pear tree) on each skate. Lighter skates help make skating more fun and enhances your endurance, allowing you to skate harder, farther and faster.